We are pleased to announce that Stripe customers in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, United Kingdom and Canada can now use the BBPOS WisePad™ 3 Bluetooth reader to securely process payments in the FooSales tablet apps (requires FooSales WordPress plugin 1.24.0+ AND FooSales iPad or FooSales Android tablet app 2.7.2+).
The BBPOS WisePad™ is the most cost effective Stripe reader currently available in these countries so we know this will be a popular choice for many businesses. It’s battery-powered with a display and number pad for accepting PIN-authenticated transactions. It supports Chip (EMV), Contactless (EMV + NFC), Apple Pay and Google Pay.
To find out more about the FooSales integration with Stripe and how to setup and use the BBPOS WisePad™ reader, please refer to the Stripe payment integration help documentation.